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A.M. (Aim to Mend) PR Campaign is organized by New Era University College (NEUC) September 2017 Media Studies students, course named Public Relations Campaign Planning. The theme of this campaign is staying up late.

In our daily life, the thing that we most impossible to avoid is staying up late. We stay up late to complete homework, assignment, work and so on due to other matter. Hence, staying up late has been already something everyone will experience. People know well that staying up late will damage our body health, but they still do.

We hope through this campaign the public will be aware of “what is staying up late”.
Our slogan is “Aim to Mend, Time for Bed”.
Our objectives are:
1. To inform the youth aged between 15 to 24 years old and careers which often stay up late about the risks of staying up late to their bodies.
2. To establish healthy lifestyle among the youth and the careers which often stay up late so as to reduce the risks of staying up late.
3. To provide ways to avoid staying up late among the youth.
4. To raise funds for A.M. Public Relations Campaign.

A.M. (Aim to Mend) 是新纪元大学学院媒体研究系,2017年9月份学期公共关系实务课学生所举办。这一次的公关实务课程活动我们会以“熬夜”作为我们的主题。



“Aim to Mend, Time for Bed”便是我们活动积极呼吁的口号,所以借此活动我们想传达的讯息分别是:

第一, 让年龄介于15至24岁的青年和经常熬夜的部分职业人士知道熬夜对他们的身体所带来的风险。

第二, 让他们建立健康的生活方式以减少熬夜后所带来的风险。

第三, 提供群众避免熬夜的方法。

第四, 为 A.M.公关活动筹集资金。

ABOUT US 关于我们 >

A.M. (Aim to Mend) PR Campaign is organized by New Era University College (NEUC) September 2017 Media Studies students, course named Public Relations Campaign Planning. The theme of this campaign is staying up late.

A.M. (Aim to Mend)是新纪元大学学院媒体研究系,2017年9月份公共关系实务课的学生所举办。这一次的公关实务课程活动我们会以“熬夜”作为我们的主题。


For more information about activities 欲知活动详情
Project Manager 活动总经理
Aan Boon Yong 安文荣 / 018-788 6332

For more information about sponsoring 欲知赞助资讯
Marketing Leader 行销部主任
Ngai Jui Sin 魏瑞讯 / 012-911 3488

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