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Breast cancer

A Canadian medical study found that long-term shift work is associated with a higher risk of breast cancer for women. The researchers at Queen's University of Canada compared 1134 women with breast cancer and 1179 healthy women. The results showed that the increased risk among women who worked 30 or more years of night shift compared with other women who did not, the risk of breast cancer has increased two times. This shows that staying up late has a direct impact on breast cancer.

Liu De Pei, a Chinese physician from Jiangsu Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology added that, “If a person who is under stress continually stays up late for a long time, the secretion of hormones in the body will be affected, thereby inhibiting the secretion of the pineal hormone melatonin in the brain and this will in turn increase the risk of cancer.”

Chinese medicine believes that the Yang Qi (阳气) is weak at night while the Ying Qi (阴气) is strong. If you stay up late for a long time and ignore the cold at night, the chill of the internal body will increase, resulting in blood clot. This will indirectly lead to breast cancer.

People who do not sleep at night

The British Science Cancer Research Centre has surveyed more than 1000 cancer patients around the world aged 30-50, and found that 99.3% of them stayed up late all year round. Staying up late will disrupt the biological clock. Apart from this, the lights will destroy the formation of melatonin which helps to protect the body's immune function. One is prone to suffer from leukemia, breast cancer and prostate cancer if there is a lack of melatonin.

Therefore, it is advisable not to stay up later than 12 a.m. for according to Chinese medicine, 11 p.m. to 2 a.m. is the golden time for human detoxification.

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A.M. (Aim to Mend) PR Campaign is organized by New Era University College (NEUC) September 2017 Media Studies students, course named Public Relations Campaign Planning. The theme of this campaign is staying up late.

A.M. (Aim to Mend)是新纪元大学学院媒体研究系,2017年9月份公共关系实务课的学生所举办。这一次的公关实务课程活动我们会以“熬夜”作为我们的主题。


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