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发胖竟然与熬夜有关?! 夜猫子不能不知的事!







Eating while burning the midnight oil is bad for digestion. You will lose your appetite the next day. This will result in nutritional imbalance. Therefore, staying up late will not only damage our health, it will also lead to endocrine dyscrasia, resulting in obesity.

Among ASEAN countries, around 44.2% Malaysians face the problem of overweight, followed by Thailand (32.2%), Singapore (30.2%) and the Philippines (26.5%).

A study published by the Sleep magazine from the United States reported that you consume more calories if you stay up late, consequently, you gain more weight. The study involved 255 volunteers. Some lack sleep because they stay up late. Some belong to the reference group. The results show that volunteers who go to bed at 4 a.m. and get up the next day at 8 a.m. will consume an average of about 550 calories after 11 p.m. This amount is far more than what is needed by the body, hence resulting in obesity.

Besides that, people who sleep less than 6.5 hours per night are more likely to be obese because the lack of sleep will lead to the secretion of more "ghrelin" which will make people overeat. Furthermore, the human adrenal cortex hormones and growth hormone are secreted only during sleep at night, so if you stay up late too often, it will cause endocrine disorders, which in turn leads to obesity.

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A.M. (Aim to Mend) PR Campaign is organized by New Era University College (NEUC) September 2017 Media Studies students, course named Public Relations Campaign Planning. The theme of this campaign is staying up late.

A.M. (Aim to Mend)是新纪元大学学院媒体研究系,2017年9月份公共关系实务课的学生所举办。这一次的公关实务课程活动我们会以“熬夜”作为我们的主题。


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Project Manager 活动总经理
Aan Boon Yong 安文荣 / 018-788 6332

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Marketing Leader 行销部主任
Ngai Jui Sin 魏瑞讯 / 012-911 3488

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