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Did you notice that after staying up late, you will feel more tired and exhausted the next day? In addition, you will look pale, feel dizzy, experience back pain and you will have dark circles around your eyes.

The explanation given by traditional Chinese medicine is that, after staying up late, we will look pale because of insufficient blood flow and energy.

In general, the skin recuperates between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. The passages through which the vital energy circulates also reaches the gallbladder and liver at the same period of time. So, if we stay up late very often, the gallbladder and liver will not be able to rest. Consequently, they will destroy our body’s nervous system and endocrine system. As a result, our skin will become dry, lack lustre and flexibility Acne, tawny spots and dark spots will grow.

Therefore, people who always stay up late should stick to light diet such as vegetables, fruits, fish, etc. to help the skin restore flexibility and lustre, and at the same time eliminate the dark circles. Refrain from smoking, taking spicy food and alcoholic beverages. More importantly, drink a lot of water to ensure that the body stay hydrated.

ABOUT US 关于我们 >

A.M. (Aim to Mend) PR Campaign is organized by New Era University College (NEUC) September 2017 Media Studies students, course named Public Relations Campaign Planning. The theme of this campaign is staying up late.

A.M. (Aim to Mend)是新纪元大学学院媒体研究系,2017年9月份公共关系实务课的学生所举办。这一次的公关实务课程活动我们会以“熬夜”作为我们的主题。


For more information about activities 欲知活动详情
Project Manager 活动总经理
Aan Boon Yong 安文荣 / 018-788 6332

For more information about sponsoring 欲知赞助资讯
Marketing Leader 行销部主任
Ngai Jui Sin 魏瑞讯 / 012-911 3488

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