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此外,长时间的睡眠不足,免疫系统功能则会受体内荷尔蒙的影响。因为晚上睡觉的时候,生长激素(growth hormone)、泌乳素(prolactin)与褪黑激素(melatonin)的分泌量会上升,而这些荷尔蒙会有共同作用,促进免疫細胞的生长与分化;另一方面,肾上腺皮质醇(cortisol)与肾上腺素(epinephine)这类会抑制免疫功能的荷尔蒙分泌量在睡觉的时候就会减少。

Decline Immune system

If you often stay up late, the body's metabolic function will be affected. That is why people are prone to fatigue and lethargy. So, if this is not adjusted in time, the body immunity will decline.

What problems do we face when the immune system decreases? If the immune system is not functioning properly, it will cause cold, gastrointestinal discomfort, skin problems, poor mental symptoms and so on.

A new study in the United States found that the rhythm of the human physiological response coincided with that of the day and night. So, once the rhythm is disrupted, our resistance will be reduced. Yu Xiao Fei, the doctor of Immunology at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centre, said: “This study reveals not only how day and night alternation affects the immune system at the molecular level, it also helps us to use our own immune function more effectively to fight infection or prevent immunization.”

Chinese medicine believes that the blood flows back to the liver when we lie down and the best time for liver detoxification and detoxification is from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. So, if we do not rest on time, the liver will be damaged over time. The resistance and immunity function will also be reduced.

In addition, if the lack of sleep continues for a long time, the function of the immune system will be affected by the hormones. When we sleep at night, the growth hormone, prolactin and melatonin secretion will rise, and these hormones will have a common role in promoting the growth and differentiation of immune cells. On the other hand, adrenal cortisol and adrenaline, which inhibit the immune function of hormonal secretion during sleep time, will be reduced.

ABOUT US 关于我们 >

A.M. (Aim to Mend) PR Campaign is organized by New Era University College (NEUC) September 2017 Media Studies students, course named Public Relations Campaign Planning. The theme of this campaign is staying up late.

A.M. (Aim to Mend)是新纪元大学学院媒体研究系,2017年9月份公共关系实务课的学生所举办。这一次的公关实务课程活动我们会以“熬夜”作为我们的主题。


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Aan Boon Yong 安文荣 / 018-788 6332

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Ngai Jui Sin 魏瑞讯 / 012-911 3488

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