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3. 补充维生素C



Staying up late will worsen our sleep quality. Chinese medicine believes that lack of sleep will cause problems to the kidneys, resulting in diseases related to our blood and bodily fluid. The internal heat will become more intense. This will cause excessive secretion of oil which, if not removed quickly, will cause bacteria to breed and turn into pimples.

Ways to avoid pimples when staying up late

1. Cultivate a healthy lifestyle

Go to bed early and rise early. Before going to bed, wash your face with warm water and your feet with hot water. This helps you to sleep better.

2. Supplement the body with water

Staying up late will increase the body temperature. The best way to solve this problem is to drink more water. In addition, keep the air indoors ventilated and at a suitable humidity (e.g. install a humidifier or place a basin of water). This will prevent you from getting acne!

3. Take Vitamin C

Staying up late can cause loss of collagen in your skin. Try to eat foods and fruits which contain Vitamin C or collagen. These foods can help to restore the elasticity and luster of your skin.

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